Monday, July 2, 2007

Auf Wiedersehen Deutschland! Time for a new adventure !

Yes, the ALL NEW adventures…

After a short absence, I’m getting back in the swing. I was a bit busy having a baby. He’s wonderful and I can’t believe how quickly they grow and fast time goes by. He’s six weeks old already. The other new adventure is that we’re in the process of leaving Germany. The movers came on Thursday to pack us and Friday to move everything out. We were shocked at how much stuff we actually have. You really don’t know how much you have until you have to move it.

It’s bittersweet. I am trying to not think about actually leaving because I will get upset. Reality has finally hit since we’ll be living out of suitcases for the next few weeks. Luckily, we have furniture that is loaned to use when you’re stationed overseas and you’re waiting for your household goods to arrive. We also kept aside a few dishes, pots and pans, sheets and towels and extra clothes which will be sent as another shipment, a quicker one, so we’ll have something until our big shipment arrives. Then there’s the suitcases…all six of them. Bottom line, you have to be fairly organized and think ahead prior to the mover’s arrival. If they’re not told otherwise or instructed, they will pack it. Originally, my husband wasn’t going to be here when the big “pack out” happened, but thank God that changed. It would have been very difficult to keep an eye on the movers so they didn’t pack my toothbrush and take care of a newborn at the same time.

So now we wait. We’re going to Garmisch, GE, Fourth of July weekend so my husband can climb the Zugspitze before we leave Germany. The Zugspitze is the highest peak in Germany. He and a buddy will take a day (they hope) and climb it. I will hang out in town with the baby and the buddy’s wife. This is our first trip with the baby and I’m a little anxious, but it will be good practice for the trip home to CT. Luckily, we only have one connection. Our cats will not be with us. We were going to carry them on the flight too, but came to our senses and made other arrangements. We spent a small fortune to have a company pick up the cats at our house (at 3:00 am, no less) on June 20th and drive them to Frankfurt and put them on a plane to Boston. My brother drove to Boston to pick them up and they are now hanging out at my mother-in-laws house, waiting for our arrival. I do miss them and wonder what kind of memories cats have. I wonder if they’ve forgotten us already.

I will diligently try to keep up with this blog. I think it will continue to be interesting for some of you, even though I will no longer go on about schnitzel and beer. I will shed a glimpse of the craziness that we who are associated with the military, have to endure. You would not believe the paperwork and appointments involved with moving from an overseas duty station to another. We are still waiting for the baby’s passport. If it doesn’t arrive in time for our flight, we won’t be going anywhere, which, I guess, wouldn’t be so bad. We’d have more time to say goodbye to the great friends we’ve made here. I almost can’t believe that we have to do that. This will be my first time dealing with that. Living somewhere for three or four years, making good friends, maybe even friends for life, then leaving. I hate goodbyes and I hate losing touch, so I hope that efforts are made to keep in touch. We’ll see. Stay tuned….

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